How To Interact With Semi-Trucks On The Road

A huge aspect of driving is being aware of your surroundings and ensuring that you do not impede or are not impeded by other drivers, something that is taught very well and heavily in driver's education courses. Something that is not discussed, as in depth, however, is how to interact with semi-trucks. Every driver at some point has encountered one of these beasts on the highway and felt panic or or fear.  For those who often drive on highways, semi-trucks sightings are common.

Semi-trucks or eighteen-wheelers, are by far the biggest and heaviest automobiles that drivers will encounter on the road, makes them one of the more dangerous and scary vehicles. Not only are semis far larger and heavier than the average sedan, but they are also operated by a driver, with the same amount of susceptibility for human error and auto malfunction.

Truck Accident Attorney

According to the Truck Safety Training, it is always very important to give trucks a lot of room. Tire blow outs are far more common for semi trucks than for regular vehicles and drivers caught in the wrong place during one of these blowouts could be heavily injured or die.

Trucks are also far more susceptible to blowing over in the wind, especially when driving on bridges or other elevated surfaces. Their height makes them act like a sail in the wind and if a driver is too close to a truck and it blows over, the weight of the truck could crush your vehicle.

Also important to know when sharing the road with eighteen-wheelers, is that they have blind spots too. And, semi-truck blind spots are far larger than those of a normal vehicle. This means that you are not always visible to a semi, which is dangerous. If the driver cannot see a vehicle, he may transition into a lane that another driver are already occupying, which is a quick way to get into a collision. Semi-truck blind spots are typically right in front of them, directly behind them, and diagonally back from their front windows. It is therefore wise for drivers to avoid these areas.

While some drivers' instincts cause them to immediately slow down or switch lanes to get far away from eighteen-wheelers, others try to pass them. While it is never okay to speed, passing semi-trucks is a good idea because drivers should avoid lingering next to a semi-truck. Drivers should pass on the left if possible and when doing so should hug the left side of the lane to give the semi driver as much room as they need. Motorists should do their best to never pass around wide turns, because viewing distance is limited.

When not driving on the highway, trucks are like a fish out of water. These vehicles are not made to make close turns and their width is often almost as wide as a lane. Extreme caution should be used when interacting with semi-trucks whether they are on city roads or highways.

It is also very important to remember that truck drivers are doing their very best to accommodate other drivers on the road and that they are not trying to be in the way. Drivers should remember that and try to be as accommodating as possible to our big rig friends, because this will allow the relationship between smaller vehicles and semi-trucks to continue as safely as possible.

If you or someone you know has been involved in an auto accident involving a semi-truck, call The Michigan Law Firm, PLLC. Our accident attorneys are highly experienced in handling all types of car crashes, including semi-truck collisions. We help victims of motor vehicle crashes identify and claim any compensation they may be entitled to, under Michigan law.  Call us today, at 844.4MI.FIRM for a free consultation.
